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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: how does learning occur 2, non-declarative memory stores procedures, neuro impulses are translated into symbols, disempowered by rote learning, metacognition aids non-declarative memory, Let Me Learn Process (Johnston, 1996) reveals Learning Patterns, external stimuli are transmitted to brain, Learning Patterns may be empowered, processed in declarative memory, brain receives and processes as neuro impulses, cognition is knowledge structure, three mental processes are cognition, declarative memory stores events, Learning Patterns include confluent, neuro impulses are translated into mind, three mental processes are the focus in Let Me Learn Process (Johnston, 1996), Learning Patterns occur in varying degrees, non-declarative memory stores skills, processed in non-declarative memory, Learning Patterns are personal, metacognition challenges rote learning